Guess who is over….

I can hear your footsteps above my head right now as you are giving Grandma a run for her money around the house. This is the second time in a month that you have wanted to come over and hang with us. Not sure if it’s the cookie baking, fort making, laying on the rebounder while watching TV covered in a blanket or that you finally feel safe enough to be at ease here with us. Either way we always look forward to your arrival. Part of your reluctance stemmed from the time you were sorta stuck over to Uncle Justin’s place when your dad/mom and CJ were all sick with the China Flu and you needed to be sequestered there with them while the rest of your family recovered from being so sick. It was hard for you and a little scary because you wanted to go home and be with the family that you love so much but they were in no position to take care of you. It took awhile but you a little older now and time has passed, and besides…..we are the best when it comes to spoiling you, as by the time you read this will be able to confirm. An added benefit is that it is currently snowing outside that started over night and is still going by now at late afternoon. Too bad it is overcast because tonight is also a full Moon, I wrote about it on FB earlier today. I gave your mom control over my page when I die so that if possible you might be able to see more of what made your Grandpa tick, it’s all there. At this time there is a small scale war going on in Israel that was caused by Muslim extremists bent on evil. They (Palestinians) thought it a good idea to surprise attack killing innocent women and children around Jerusalem killing hundreds and taking old women and children hostages as well. A deliberate act thinking that little would come of it but they were wrong and Israel is bringing judgement to bear on those who hate God’s People. For the sake of posterity there was also another tragic event where a known lunatic attacked and killed about 2 dozen people in Maine. He was later found dead after a huge manhunt had been underway looking for him. The Police were aware of him, also I’m sure that there were clinicians who also knew about him perhaps even under a Psychiatrist’s care. But you can count out your last dollar knowing that the Liberal Left will rush out and demand “more gun control” over was an illegal act to begin with. No amount of laws can legislate good behavior, these kinds of things will always happen, but the desired result is to restrict weapons from “good people” who don’t break the law so that it will be much easier to take control of people who can no longer protect themselves from criminals or a tyrannical Govt. Look at England and Australia and see how that has worked for them.

Keep watch “hey baby” of those who speak out of both sides of their mouths. Those who say one thing but act contrary of what they have said. Those who will say anything to get elected but as soon as they are they no longer hear your voice. Remember that Satan has his followers just like our Heavenly Father does with us. I will say this again to remind you that “YOU” are responsible for your own protection, and the protection of those you love and the home in which you dwell. When considering a future husband make sure that he also holds the same belief system that you do otherwise you will struggle in an area that wasn’t necessary and misery or an unsatisfactory life will follow. Lord first then Family, then Country in that order. Life will be better using that equation formula. We just returned from a 10 day trip to the Dominican Republic. It was mostly dreadful and “lava hot” during the middle of the day. We didn’t stay at an all inclusive resort like most do. We stayed at a VRBO condo and while it was nice once outside of the protective wall that surrounds the project we were in the midst of poverty and those under it’s pressure that did everything they could to separate us from our money on useless trinkets, excursions/tours and in general verbal wrangling that was non-stop. I pity the people but they do little to enhance their own life station. They could start by just picking up the voluminous amount of trash that is universally everywhere to improve their own living conditions for their families but even in light of what I have heard they are trying it looks as though the mission has failed. I and Grandma stood out like sore thumbs with me being a “super-caucasion” so thereby becoming an easy target to verbally approach. It was concerning and even though I/we were aware of this practice before going it none the less was like running a gauntlet all day long. We will need to employ a different tactic when considering another vacation. Maybe just go hang at the cabin and the views it holds. Anyway my love….I wanted to co-inside this love note to your overnight stay with us so perhaps you might even remember when it happened and lend a more special memory associated to it. As you grow older and gain wisdom (you can pray for it you know) please tie it to what I have named this place because….”Anything you tolerate, you will always get more of”….and it is always true.

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